[We're still here!] Forum and customer feedback have been abandoned. Company may be dying.
  • void2258 March 2013

    No posts or news of any kind in months. Not a good sign. They already had trouble with the new models and now they have vanished. Company could be failing. It is kinda niche to begin with.

    [ Edit: Admin added note to subject that all is well ]

  • federico3 April 2013

    I hope the company is in good health.
    If not, *please* release the blueprints as Open Source - it could help its nice design survive!

  • TypeMatrix_admin September 2013


    While the forums have certainly slowed down a bit, we're actually doing quite well with a consistent sales volume and no signs of things slowing down. Over the past year we've had some major challenges with spammers infiltrating our forums several times and we've had to temporarily disable or even shut down the forums. This unfortunately had the side effect of loosing some of our regular forum visitors as well. We hear your message though - we'll make a renewed effort on actively participating in the forums.

    -Mary @ TypeMatrix

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