Delivery estimate for Ireland
  • darioshanghai August 2011


    Thank you for a great design idea (hopefully the Typematrix will surpass my expectations when I actually get it), I just ordered a 2030. What is a reasonable delivery estimate to Ireland? Is there some tracking info/website I may use?

    Unrelated, please note that although I had a voucher for a discount (I joined the mailing list before the purchase) and this is my first Typematrix, the voucher has been refused because the software kept saying that I had already bought a keyboard, which is false. I was charged full price: a refund for the amount of the voucher would be really appreciated.

    As well a suggestion for the checkout process: I was unable to see the full price while I was going through the confirmation in Paypal: it would be much better if the full charge was visible from the first Paypal screen.

    Thanks a lot!


  • darioshanghai August 2011


    No answer in three days?

  • UnforgivenUnforgiven August 2011

    Have You tried the contact form or by the mail addy on the contact page?

  • TypeMatrix_admin September 2011

    Just a quick note: we resolved this with Dario directly by email.

    We're admittedly not on these forums every day, so for urgent or important matters, please email us at Thanks for sending Dario in the right direction Unforgiven.


  • UnforgivenUnforgiven September 2011

    No problemo.

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