Favorite 2030 features?
  • Inf3rn0_44 August 2011

    Mine are going to have to be (Most important to me)
    1. Short length/Moved Numpad (A huge issue for gaming and large inconvenience in overall mouse use)
    1. Vertical key columns [A thought I have always had about keyboards and (Great for typing, and gaming actually)
    2. Great Price (Compared to other keyboards, the 2030 really puts down essential features first)
    3. Low key travel + thin profile overall.
    4. Ability for additional typing formats.
    I have always had thoughts about keyboards and how they could be redesigned, the 2030 really addresses my desires for the ideal keyboard.

  • KeithB August 2011

    For me:
    1. The best typing "feel" I've had in 27 years of pc keyboarding
    2. Skins-so it's impervious to food and drink
    3. Quiet-that way I can type fast without others having to hear
    4. I always knowing where the function keys are.
    5. Portable, so I can take it easily from home to work
    6. No more accidental capslocks

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